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Sunday, September 13, 2015

UVa - 12936 - HeHe Solution [ C++ ]

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The problem is very interesting & not yet solved by many users when I am posting it's Solution & Clearance . After solving at 0.00 sec my Rank was 17 at that time. Problem Setted by Rujia Liu. Whatever, Let's go to the Problem Clearance .

  • The problem says you to find out the Ratio between who Ended their chatting by Saying " hehe " or their Variance ( Variance = Different formation of Anything . Here Word. Like " hehehehehehehe" or "hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe" ) and The total number chat messages that indicates the end of Chat already .
  • Any users of this Chat room can End chat with anything . you have to find the Distinct Ended chat message . And from that you have to find the Messages that has ended with the word "hehe" ( Or Variance ) .
  •   From this ratio you have to find out the Percentage of This Ratio's [ Round ] ( Not Floating point round ) Value. 
  • As problem statement says you have to turn all the Character into Lowercase order and replace all the Non-alphabetic Character as Space ' '.
  • At first you have to find the the number of Distinct Chat messages . You can do it by using MAP.
  • From those list using MAP Iterator .... You have to find out the the Number of Messages that ends with "hehe" . Through "stringstream" You can separate all the word . And check whether it Contains "hehe" or Not ?
  • Note that number of " he " in each word will be greater than 1 .
  • Now find the Map Size and and count the "hehe" enders . Find out the ratio and Print it's percentage .

Code :

#define pii pair<string, string>

char parcent = '%';

using namespace std;

int main()
    string inp, str, name1, name2;
    map<pii, string>mymap;
    map<pii, string>::iterator it;
    map<string, bool>used;
    while(getline(cin, inp) && inp.size()>0)
        int sz = inp.size();
        name1 ="", name2="", str="";
        bool dashfound = false, colonfound = false;
        for(int i=0; i<sz; )
            if(inp[i]=='-' && inp[i+1]=='>') {dashfound = true; i=i+2; continue;}
            if(inp[i]==':') {colonfound = true; i++; continue; }
            if(!dashfound && !colonfound)
                name1 = name1 + inp[i];
            if(dashfound && !colonfound)
                name2 = name2 + inp[i];
            if(dashfound && colonfound)
                  inp[i] = tolower(inp[i]);
                  str = str + inp[i];
                    str = str + ' ';
        //cout<<name1<<' '<<name2<<' '<<str<<endl;
            mymap.erase(pii(name1, name2));
            mymap.insert(make_pair(pii(name1, name2), str));
        else if(used[name2])
            mymap.erase(pii(name2, name1));
            mymap.insert(make_pair(pii(name2, name1), str));
            mymap.insert(make_pair(pii(name1, name2), str));
            used[name1] = true;
    string here;
    int cnt = 0;
    for(it = mymap.begin(); it!=mymap.end(); ++it)
        here = it->second;
        string s;
        stringstream ss(here);
        bool check = false;
            int sz = s.size();
            int atcnt = 0;
                for(int i=0; i<sz; )
                    if(s[i]=='h' && s[i+1]=='e')
                        i = i + 2; atcnt++;
                    else i++;
                if(atcnt*2==sz) { check = true; break; }
        if(check) cnt++;
    int mapsize = mymap.size();
    double point = ((cnt*1.0)/(mapsize*1.0))*100;
    printf("%0.0lf%c\n", round(point), parcent);
    return 0;



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