Clearance : Normally you have the number of Nodes and You had to Find out how many trees you will Form through those Nodes . But Here problem is Reverse . You have the Number of Trees . You have to Find the Number of Nodes . To find the number of Trees from N nodes you have to use The Rules for Catalan Numbers . That is :
Its a Derived DP formula . The Main Formula is Given Below :
As the Maximum Length of input may be 25 . Precalculate all the Catalan Numbers from 1 to 25 . Then find whether the input is Match with i'th Catalan Numbers . If it is the Print ' i ' .
Code :
using namespace std;
long long int catalan[30];
int solve()
int i = 0;
catalan[i+1] = (catalan[i] * (4*i + 2))/(i + 2);
int main()
long long int n;
for(int i = 1; i<25; i++)
{ printf("%d\n",i); break; }
return 0;
I have solved this by Catalan Expression's Recurrence Relation
C(n) = (2*(2n+1)/(n+2)) * C(n-1);
Where C0 = 1
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