Clearance :
Let a Number 99371 which is a Prime . Move the first digit to the last , the number will be 93719. Move again the first digit of Previously made Number , now the number is 37199..... Then do the same thing until last digit comes . The total formations are :
99371 - > 93719 - > 37199 - > 71993 - > 19937 . If all the numbers will be Prime then it will be a Circular Prime .
Algorithm :
1. Firstly Pre-generate all the Circular Prime numbers in a list . And then run a loop for all the Prime Numbers and Find which number of the Circular Prime List is in between of the given Range . Count those and Print it.
2. Careful about Output Formats ." Primes & Prime ".
!! Warning : Don't Copy the Circular Prime list from my Code . Generate it Yourself . You will learn many more facts from that . !!
Code :
#define MAX 1000000
using namespace std;
int cplist[]={113,131,197,199,311,337,373,719,733,919,971,991,1193,1931,3119,3779,7793,7937,9311,9377,11939,19391,19937,37199,39119,71993,91193,93719,93911,99371,193939,199933,319993,331999,391939,393919,919393,933199,939193,939391,993319,999331};
int main()
int a, b;
if(a==-1) break;
int cnt=0;
for(int i=0; i<42; i++)
if(cplist[i]>b) break;
if(cplist[i]>=a && cplist[i]<=b)
if(cnt==0) printf("No Circular Primes.\n");
else if(cnt==1) printf("1 Circular Prime.\n");
else printf("%d Circular Primes.\n",cnt);
return 0;
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