Clearance : In this problem you have the value of N which is number of NODES in a Graph and Number of Degrees ( Indegree & Outdegree ) for each NODES from 1 to N . Supoose you have " 2 1 1 ". This means 2 nodes with 1 edge . Here you have to find whether you could Construct a Graph through the NODES and Degrees for each Node . There are some important Conditions to check whether the sequences of Degrees of N nodes can Constuct a Graph. Those are :
i ) The sequence of Degrees must be sorted in Descending order ( Greater to Less ) and you can sort it by using STL sort() function in c++ snd qsort() in C.
ii) The total Sum of Degrees must be Even ( Hand Shaking Theorem ).
iii ) Your Program must be iteratively obey this condition .If anyone of those Conditions left behind then It will not be possible to Construct a Graph.. One Minor ( may be Major ) condition for which you may get Wrong Answer is to Check whether the First Element of the Sorted Series is not Greater than or Equal to N.
==> This Methode is Called Erdos - Gallai Theorem . You can also solve this problem by Havel - Hakimi Method . But I didn't try it .
Algorithm :
- Sort the list in Decreasing / Descending Order.
- Figure out the Total Sum of Degrees.
- Check out whether it is Even or the First degree ( Sorted List ) is less than N . If not print " Not possible " . Then Continue.
- If 3 is false then check apply this rule
and check out Constructing Graph is Possible or Not.
Code :
using namespace std;
int main()
int n;
while(scanf("%d",&n)==1 && n>0)
int x, sum = 0;
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
sum = sum + x;
sort(seq.begin(),seq.end(), greater<int>());
if(sum%2!=0 || seq[0]>=n)
printf("Not possible\n");
bool flag = true;
for(int k=0; k<n; k++)
int sumdi = 0;
for(int i=0; i<k; i++)
sumdi = sumdi + seq[i];
int prok = k * (k-1);
int summin = 0;
for(int j=k; j<n; j++)
summin = summin + min(seq[j],k);
int tot = prok + summin;
flag = false;
printf("Not possible\n");
return 0;
**** For Your Clearance , How can a Graph be Constructed through this sequence . Goven below . Let the input is " 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 " . The Graph is :
/ \ | / \
*---* | *---*
\ / | \ /
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